terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2013

My first penpal

* Yeah, I know it's been a while since my last post. I've been full of ideas for new posts, but life has been crazy lately and I've been too busy to catch up here. I hope you don't mind the dust, I'll soon clean the mess around here! *

Who was your first penpal? Do you still talk to him/her or did time separate you two?

I am lucky to tell you that my first penpal has been one of my best friends for the last 12 years!
We met through ICQ back in 2001, when I was 11 and she was 16, and started writing to each other due to a common interest: Card Captors Sakura. We've become great friends and she introduced me the pleasure of waiting everyday for the postman.

Many years had passed and Fer doesn't write letters anymore, but we always keep in touch through facebook, e-mail and celphone. She lives only a 5 hours bus trip from me, yet we only met a few times through all these years. It's always great to see her, and she's an awesome friend!

Fer and I the last time we met, on Easter

We went to a board games bar with some friends

There was an egg hunt and I got a board game as a prize!
The first letter she sent me

Some envelopes she sent me many years ago

I think it's a great luck when you find true friendship, no matter how you communicate or how far you live. And one of the joys of penpalling is to have the chance of meeting new friends anywhere.

Thank you Fer, for being there for me through all these years! I love you!

5 comentários:

  1. Aw Penny is so good to see you on here again :D and what a lovely story!! It's so good you've met her so long ago but you're still friends :) Thanks for sharing, it's so inspirational!
    xx Fab

  2. What a lovely story! Thanks for sharing and nice to see you around again ;)

  3. Own, que fofa, adorei!!! você guarda até os envelopes que eu te enviei? uma hora quero ver!
    é mesmo muito bom ser sua amiga, você é uma pessoa maravilhosa e incrível!

  4. Omg I envy you so much, I lost contact with all my penpals when I first started when I was 15 :\ But hey, that's so nice you're still in touch with your penpal Fer! That's such an adorable story indeed :) I can't wait to meet any of my penpals in real life but they all live so far away XD Hope you're having a lovely March :)


  5. Before a 1300 number or modern communication gadgets are born, sending letters and socializing through snail mails have already proven their importance. :)
